Technical sketches

Visualising the design

When all the choices have been made to get to a final design, we will translate this into a technical drawing. We will work out the entire project in detail to make sure that there will be no surprises during the renovation. The materials, colours and procedures will be described in a specification. This is useful as a guide for the executing parties.

Once the foundation of the design has been laid, it’s time for all of the details. Which type of open fireplace with which interior do you prefer? What kind of materials do you want and with what kind of furniture style do you want this combined? When we have listed all the points, we can make a detailed design for you, where an interior builder can continue the work.

3D Visualizations

By means of a technical sketch

A 3D is a visualization of the final 2D design. There are several 3D visualizations possible: the 3D can be made by a computer sketch or you can choose for a beautiful realistic image by hand. With the 3D you can get a life like representation of your home or company building. You have something in hands to get the interior to take shape, or you can get a better picture of what something will look like.

Lighting & electricity plan

Adding connection points to the design

If you know which room is going to serve for what is it time for the lighting and electricity plan. These are drawings where we indicate in detail with symbols, where the connection points should be. If necessary, the electric plan can be point out.

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